Hello friends and strangers,

Welcome to my life in photographs. Please enjoy the view.

I love New Brunswick, and the Maritime provinces. The landscape is inspiring in its variety and closeness to nature.

You may also want to check the following for more of my photos, including travel albums.

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Recently Added

Tai Chi at New River Beach - 2-13

8 photos
Created 29-May-24
Modified 29-May-24
Tai Chi at New River Beach - 2-13

#8 Peninsula Day- Aug 31

48 photos
Created 19-May-24
Modified 19-May-24
#8 Peninsula Day- Aug 31

#6 New River Summer Solstice June 23

25 photos
Created 19-May-24
Modified 19-May-24
#6 New River Summer Solstice June 23

#4 Trout Creek May 23

37 photos
Created 19-May-24
Modified 19-May-24
#4 Trout Creek May 23

#10 Simpson Hill - Sept 27

68 photos
Created 19-May-24
Modified 19-May-24
#10 Simpson Hill - Sept 27

#1 Harbour Passage April 6

30 photos
Created 19-May-24
Modified 19-May-24
#1 Harbour Passage April 6

#12 Norton Shore/ Hampton Oct 16

58 photos
Created 19-May-24
Modified 19-May-24
#12 Norton Shore/ Hampton Oct 16

#5 Moss Glen Trail June 3

63 photos
Created 19-May-24
Modified 19-May-24
#5 Moss Glen Trail June 3

All Photographs

#2 Rockwood Park Apr 9, 2022

21 photos
Created 20-Nov-23
Modified 20-Nov-23
#2 Rockwood Park Apr 9, 2022

Artwork to Nov 2022

0 photos
Created 3-Jan-23
Modified 3-Jan-23

#12: Shady Grove

0 photos
Created 3-Jan-23
Modified 3-Jan-23

2020 HIKES

Galleries 1
Modified 3-Jan-23
50 photos


Galleries 12
Modified 3-Jan-23
549 photos


0 photos
Created 3-Jan-23
Modified 3-Jan-23

McCrae Farms - Oct 4-6, 2019

163 photos
Created 19-May-24
Modified 19-May-24
McCrae Farms - Oct 4-6, 2019

Europe 2018

Modified 3-Jan-23
0 photos

Dutch Point Trail, Oct and Nov-16

25 photos
Created 3-Jan-23
Modified 3-Jan-23
Dutch Point Trail, Oct and Nov-16

Lunenburg and Blue Rocks 25-Aug-16

33 photos
Created 3-Jan-23
Modified 3-Jan-23
Lunenburg and Blue Rocks 25-Aug-16

Brian's Boat 15-Jul-16

16 photos
Created 3-Jan-23
Modified 3-Jan-23
Brian's Boat 15-Jul-16

PEI with Norah 15/16 June 2016

61 photos
Created 3-Jan-23
Modified 3-Jan-23
PEI with Norah 15/16   June 2016

Photo Club, St. Andrews -April, 2016

25 photos
Created 3-Jan-23
Modified 3-Jan-23
Photo Club, St. Andrews -April, 2016

For blog

58 photos
Created 3-Jan-23
Modified 3-Jan-23
For blog

Autumn Meanderings, 2015

43 photos
Created 3-Jan-23
Modified 3-Jan-23
Autumn Meanderings, 2015

June 2013

Modified 3-Jan-23
0 photos

2012: Days of JUNE

Modified 3-Jan-23
0 photos

Kneading Conference 2012

155 photos
Created 1-Aug-12
Modified 1-Aug-12
Kneading Conference 2012


Modified 3-Jan-23
0 photos

Tai Chi Photos

Galleries 2
Modified 24-Sep-19
34 photos

October 2011

32 photos
Created 3-Jan-23
Modified 3-Jan-23
October 2011

New River Oct 9, 2011

14 photos
Created 27-Apr-24
Modified 27-Apr-24
New River Oct 9, 2011

Winter Birds in a Snowstorm

17 photos
Created 3-Jan-23
Modified 3-Jan-23
Winter Birds in a Snowstorm

Midland Ice Caves - Jan 22, 2011

62 photos
Created 23-Jan-11
Modified 23-Jan-11
Midland Ice Caves - Jan 22, 2011


Galleries 1
Modified 3-Jan-23
90 photos

Hike to Hearst Lodge, Oct 06, 2010

89 photos
Created 22-Apr-24
Modified 22-Apr-24
Hike to Hearst Lodge, Oct 06, 2010

Zen Photos

20 photos
Created 7-Jun-10
Modified 7-Jun-10
Zen Photos


74 photos
Created 7-Jun-10
Modified 7-Jun-10

Winter 2009

9 photos
Created 11-Jan-09
Modified 11-Jan-09
Winter 2009


16 photos
Created 8-Nov-07
Modified 8-Nov-07


11 photos
Created 30-Oct-07
Modified 30-Oct-07


Galleries 4
Modified 3-Jan-23
90 photos


28 photos
Created 4-Jun-10
Modified 4-Jun-10


61 photos
Created 5-Jun-10
Modified 5-Jun-10
Open All Photographs

Guestbook for Betty Fleet
Pat Beshara(non-registered)
Betty you do have a gift for taking pictures and seeing something in little parts of a tree or snow or etc.

Thanks for you display

Janet is sure a hostess with a beautiful home.

It sure was a great afternoon and evening
Mary Beth(non-registered)
Tamarack is calling....has a message for me/us...don't know what...however as you spoke to and about them yesterday, something stirred!
Joan Quinn(non-registered)
Hey Betty, Finally I have logged into your site. The pics are great. J!
Betty Fleet
Thank you Karin.
Karin Nason(non-registered)

You have a wonderful eye for making stunning photographs.
The guestbook is empty.