Living Room Panelling - Jan 31 -Getting Started

February 01, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Jan 31, 2016

Nothing like getting right onto it. Otherwise, somebody might suggest you should be drilling instead of blogging. 


  1. DONE:  Clean all the junk out of the room; give away big old TV

Looks worse than it is.  Of course, now the front hall looks worse than it was.  I suppose I should be grateful for a large and formerly uncluttered foyer.

Emptying the spaceThis was a TV room and a toy space for the grandchildren. The easy chair will go back upstairs when some able bodies appear. BEFORE

Emptied outReady to get down to the hard stuff. AFTER

Reorganized ClutterFacetime reality: When Ella, age almost 4, realized that I had cleaned out the room where she plays in the summer, demanded to see her toys.



AFTER also










2.  DONE: Figure out what size screws - find the screws.

          These will do it!There are a lot of #6 screws in Screw Heaven       

 Not ready for screws yet, but could not resist a hunt in Screw Heaven. However, I learned from my mentor, Brian, that you do not use brass screws for such a job, since the heads can snap off if for some reason the screw gets stuck.  I absolutely do not want any missing heads associated with this project.  Fortunately, digging deeper into Screw Heaven revealed some normal #6 x 1" screws.

 I will add suspense to this blog by NOT including an image of Screw Heaven just yet.


3.  DONE: Charge up the power drills

Ready for Work



A little ahead of the story with this one, too, but yesterday Austin and I found two (yes 2) working charged drills, c/w charger!!  Hopefully they are up to the job.






4. NOT DONE, BUT ADEQUATELY RANTED OVER:  Find a temporary table or shelf for the Fibre Op cords and related techno-stuff.

BEFOREFibre-Op Entanglement This is rant-worthy, right?               AFTER After half an hour of sorting and unravelling Was it worth the time. I don't think so.

If it were my nature to rant, I would have ranted long ago about the  messy array left in the corner of my room by Aliant when the Fibre Op was installed.  I have since  so many tidy installations in people's basements.  I have no clue why I was chosen for this method of service; and now that I no longer want a TV in this room, I still need the set-top box connected here in order for the wireless TV to work in the rest of the house.  Time to kill TV I think, and get rid of a couple of the pieces of FibreOp-ness.

The really sad part of this, is that I spent half an hour sorting out cords and tying them up, and the whole thing did not look one bit better.

And so the day ends with some actual progress and lots to think about.  Brian has kindly offered to drop by tomorrow to get me started. Also, I have had offers of help from a few others.  Very heartwarming on all fronts.


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